Pietro Sella: "a favourable moment to bring out quality and contribute to the economic development"

Thanks to the internet, everyone can work and develop talent, anywhere. There has never been such a favourable moment in history, to bring out one's quality and contribute to the global economic fabric
"Digitization changes the way of accessing innovation". For this reason "further than the management¿s ability to focus on customer needs, the key factor of competitiveness resides in the ability to master technologies and evolve the business model". Digital disruption and the evolution of business models to foster the economic development were core to Pietro Sella's long interview with Corriere della Sera (read the full text here).
"We need open innovation and therefore ecosystems", emphasized the CEO of the Sella Group and president of Pribanks, the association of Italian private banks. This is quite similar to what happened to the districts that have been so significant throughout the Italian economic history, but it represents an updated and more extensive version of them, with national and local solutions, for the benefit of the peculiar fabric of our businesses. Thanks to the internet, everyone can work and develop talent, anywhere. There has never been such a favourable moment in history, to bring out one's quality and contribute to the global economic fabric".
But to achieve this it is important to "master technology". As far as financial intermediation is concerned, for example, it is precisely technology that breaks down the barriers, allowing "to meet the needs of customers" as shown by the establishment of many competitive startups.
Just as it is necessary for innovation to be open: "The reduction of barriers to access technology allows everyone to find new solutions. The speed of innovation is exponential, but it is difficult to internally find all the solutions". For this reason, we need the biodiversity typical of an ecosystem, as it is the case for spontaneous forests, where many forms of life interact.
"Creating ecosystems of innovation - concluded Pietro Sella - is fundamental. Places where the search for new innovative solutions, thanks to contamination and cooperation, is proving to be an engine of change". It¿s a new way to grow up.