Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("news-vocabulary-id")  [in template "51632#51678#43587" at line 22, column 20]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: vocabularyId = themeDisplay.getThemeS...  [in template "51632#51678#43587" at line 22, column 5]
1<#--sella social macro --> 
2<#include "${templatesPath}/SOCIAL-SHARE-MACRO" /> 
4<#assign originalLocale = locale> 
5<#setting locale = 'en_US'> 
6<#assign date = .vars['reserved-article-display-date'].data/> 
7<#assign date = date?datetime("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z") /> 
8<#setting locale = originalLocale> 
9<#assign dateTimeFormat = languageUtil.get(locale, "HH:mm, dd MMM yyyy")> 
13    articleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data 
14    journalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") 
15    assetEntryService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService") 
16    ja = journalService.fetchLatestArticle(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), articleId, 0) 
17    ae = assetEntryService.fetchEntry("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", ja.getResourcePrimKey()) 
18    title = .vars['reserved-article-title'].data 
19    jaAbstract = .vars['reserved-article-description'].data 
20    absoluteURL = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() 
21    altBigDetailImage = "" 
22    vocabularyId = themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("news-vocabulary-id")?number 
23    category = sella_tool.getCategoryFromVocabularyId(ae.getCategories(), vocabularyId, locale) 
26<#if !vocabularyIdLive?? && !themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("news-vocabulary-id-live")?? > 
27    <#assign vocabularyIdLive = 52307 /> 
29    <#assign vocabularyIdLive = themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("news-vocabulary-id-live")?number /> 
32<#if category==""> 
33    <#assign category = sella_tool.getCategoryFromVocabularyId(ae.getCategories(), vocabularyIdLive , locale)  /> 
36<#-- ja title --> 
37<#if titleShown?? && titleShown.getData()?has_content> 
38    <#assign title = titleShown.getData() /> 
41<#if HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?? > 
42    <#assign socialImg = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + sella_tool.getAdaptiveMediaSrc("800-x-533-px",HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?number, /> 
44    <#assign socialImg = ""> 
47<@shareContent title="${title}" summary="${jaAbstract}" detailURL="${absoluteURL}" imageURL="${socialImg}"/> 
51<article class="article-detail article-detail--has-img"> 
52  <#-- Info + Social --> 
53  <div class="container"> 
54    <div class="row"> 
55      <div class="col-md-10 offset-md-1"> 
56        <div class="article-detail__intro"> 
57          <div class="row"> 
58            <div class="col-lg-8"> 
59              <#-- Categoria e data --> 
60              <div class="d-flex"> 
61                <#if category?? && category?has_content> 
62                  <div class="article-detail__category">${category}</div> 
63                </#if> 
64                <div class="article-detail__date">${date?string(dateTimeFormat)}</div> 
65              </div> 
66              <#-- Titolo --> 
67              <h1 class="article-detail__title">${title}</h1> 
68              <#-- Sottotitolo --> 
69              <#if jaAbstract?has_content> 
70                <h2 class="article-detail__subject">${jaAbstract}</h2> 
71              </#if> 
73            </div> 
74          </div> 
75          <div class="row"> 
76            <div class="col-12"> 
77              <div class="article-detail__button d-flex"> 
78                <#-- Share button --> 
79                <div class="sella-share clearfix"> 
80                  <div class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--share"> 
81                    <svg class="ico-svg"> 
82                      <use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#share-alt"></use> 
83                    </svg> 
84                  </div> 
85                  <div class="sella-share__text">Condividi</div> 
86                  <ul> 
87                    <li> 
88                      <a href="${absoluteURL}" title="Facebook" class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--fb"> 
89                        <svg class="ico-svg"> 
90                          <use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#facebook-f"></use> 
91                        </svg> 
92                      </a> 
93                    </li> 
94                    <li> 
95                      <a href="${absoluteURL}" title="Twitter" class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--twitter"> 
96                        <svg class="ico-svg"> 
97                          <use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#twitter"></use> 
98                        </svg> 
99                      </a> 
100                    </li> 
101                    <li> 
102						<#assign escapedTitle = htmlUtil.escape(htmlParserUtil.extractText(title)) /> 
103						<#assign escapedAbstract = htmlUtil.escape(htmlParserUtil.extractText(jaAbstract)) /> 
105                      	<a href=";url=${absoluteURL}&amp;title=${escapedTitle}&amp;summary=${escapedAbstract}&amp;source=" title="LinkedIn" class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--linkedin"> 
106                        	<svg class="ico-svg"> 
107                          		<use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#linkedin-in"></use> 
108                        	</svg> 
109                      	</a> 
110                    </li> 
111                     <li> 
112                      <a href="${urlCodec.encodeURL(absoluteURL)}" title="WahtsApp" class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--whatsapp"> 
113                        <svg class="ico-svg"> 
114                          <use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#whatsapp"></use> 
115                        </svg> 
116                      </a> 
117                    </li> 
118                  </ul> 
119                </div> 
120              </div> 
121            </div> 
122          </div> 
123        </div> 
124      </div> 
125    </div> 
126  </div> 
129<#if HeroImage?? && HeroImage.getData() != ""> 
130    <#assign altBigDetailImage = HeroImage.getAttribute("alt") /> 
131    <#assign urlBigDetailImage = HeroImage.getData() /> 
133<#if urlBigDetailImage?? && urlBigDetailImage?has_content> 
134    <div class="sella-container sella-container--only-img"> 
135        <div class="container-fluid"> 
137        <#-- VIDEO --> 
138            <div class="row"> 
139                <div class="col-lg-10 offset-lg-1"> 
140                    <#if Video?? && Video?has_content > 
141                        <#if Video.getData()?? && Video.getData() != ""> 
142                            <#if Video.getData()?contains("vimeo")> 
143                                <#if HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?? > 
144                                    <#assign HeroImage800x533 = sella_tool.getAdaptiveMediaSrc("800-x-533-px",HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?number, /> 
145                                <#else> 
146                                    <#assign HeroImage800x533 = ""> 
147                                </#if> 
148                                <video width="100%" controls="" poster="${HeroImage800x533}"> 
149                                    <source src ="${Video.getData()}" type="video/mp4"> 
150                                </video> 
151                            <#else> 
152                                <iframe width="100%" height="350px" src="${Video.getData()}?controls=0" ></iframe> 
153                            </#if> 
154                        <#else> 
155                            <#if HeroImage?? && HeroImage?has_content > 
156                                <#if HeroImage.getData()?? && HeroImage.getData() != ""> 
157                                    <#if HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?? > 
158                                        <#assign HeroImage800x533 = sella_tool.getAdaptiveMediaSrc("800-x-533-px",HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?number, /> 
159                                        <figure class="article-detail__fig"> 
160                                        <img class="article-detail__img w-100" src="${HeroImage800x533}" alt="${HeroImage.getAttribute("alt")}"> 
161                                            <#if ImageOwner.getData()?? && ImageOwner.getData()!="" && HeroImage.getAttribute("alt") != "" > 
162                                                <figcaption class="article-detail__figcaption">${HeroImage.getAttribute("alt")} - <strong>${ImageOwner.getData()}</strong></figcaption> 
163                                            <#else> 
164                                                <figcaption class="article-detail__figcaption">${HeroImage.getAttribute("alt")} - <strong>${ImageOwner.getData()}</strong></figcaption> 
165                                            </#if> 
166                                        </figure> 
167                                    </#if> 
168                                </#if> 
169                            </#if> 
170                        </#if> 
171                    </#if> 
172                </div> 
173            </div> 
174        </div> 
175    </div> 
178<#-- testo --> 
179<#if Body?? && Body.getData()?has_content> 
180    <div class="container"> 
181        <div class="row"> 
182            <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-xl-6 offset-xl-3"> 
183                <div class="article-detail__text"> 
184                    ${Body.getData()} 
185                </div> 
186            </div> 
187        </div> 
188    </div> 
191<div class="article-detail__slider"> 
192    <div class="container"> 
193        <div class="row"> 
194            <div class="col-12"> 
195                <div class="slider slider-detail"> 
196                    <#if GalleryImage?has_content && GalleryImage??> 
197                        <#if GalleryImage.getData()?? && GalleryImage.getData() != ""  > 
198                            <#list GalleryImage.getSiblings() as curImage> 
199                                <#if curImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?? > 
200                                    <#assign curGalleryImage800x533 = sella_tool.getAdaptiveMediaSrc("800-x-533-px",curImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?number, /> 
201                                    <div> 
202                                            <div class="article-detail__gallery"> 
203                                            <a href="${curGalleryImage800x533}" title="${curImage.getAttribute("alt")}"> 
204                                                <img src="${curGalleryImage800x533}" alt="${curImage.getAttribute("alt")}" class="w-100"> 
205                                            </a> 
206                                            <#if curImage.GalleryImageOwner.getData()?? && curImage.GalleryImageOwner.getData()!="" && curImage.getAttribute("alt") != ""  > 
207                                                <div class="article-detail__gallery-caption">${curImage.getAttribute("alt")} - <strong>${curImage.GalleryImageOwner.getData()}</strong></div> 
208                                            </#if> 
209                                        </div> 
210                                    </div> 
211                                </#if> 
212                            </#list> 
213                        </#if> 
214                    </#if> 
215                </div> 
216            </div> 
217        </div> 
218    </div> 
Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
No compatible overloaded variation was found; wrong number of arguments.
The FTL type of the argument values were: extended_hash+string (com.liferay.portal.model.impl.LayoutSetImpl wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel), extended_hash+string (com.liferay.portal.kernel.theme.ThemeDisplay wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel).
The matching overload was searched among these members:
    com.liferay.portal.util.PortalImpl.getGroupFriendlyURL(com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.LayoutSet, com.liferay.portal.kernel.theme.ThemeDisplay, boolean, boolean),
    com.liferay.portal.util.PortalImpl.getGroupFriendlyURL(com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.LayoutSet, com.liferay.portal.kernel.theme.ThemeDisplay, Locale)

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign groupPrependURL = portalUtil...  [in template "51632#51678#66308" at line 12, column 1]
1<#assign articleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data /> 
2<#assign articleGroupId = .vars['articleGroupId'] /> 
4<#assign journalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") /> 
5<#assign groupService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService") /> 
6<#assign layoutSetService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutSetLocalService") /> 
8<#assign journalArticle = journalService.getLatestArticle(articleGroupId?number,articleId?string,0) /> 
9<#assign urlTitle = journalArticle.getUrlTitle() /> 
10<#assign group = groupService.getGroup(groupId?number) /> 
11<#assign groupFriendlyURL = group.getFriendlyURL() /> 
12<#assign groupPrependURL =  portalUtil.getGroupFriendlyURL(layoutSetService.getLayoutSet(groupId?number, false), themeDisplay) /> 
14<#assign maxSize = 4 /> 
15<#assign radiocorIndex = radiocor_news_tool.getNewsIndex(-1) /> 
16<#assign dateTimeFormat = languageUtil.get(locale, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")> 
18<section class="radiocor-ultime-wrapper"> 
19    <#-- 
20    <h2 class="sella-underlined-title ml-0 mr-0"> 
21        <span>Ultim'ora</span> 
22    </h2> 
23     --> 
24    <div class="radiocor-ultime-content"> 
25		<#--As of avoiding index-out-of-bounds error, in FreeMarker 2.3.21 you can issue listVar[0..*4], 
26		which will slice out 4 items, or less if there's less available.    --> 
28        <#list radiocorIndex[0..*maxSize] as r> 
29				<div class="lx-latest-news-item"> 
30					<div class="lx-latest-news-item-text"> 
31						<h3><a href="${groupPrependURL}/radiocor/notizia/?nid=${}">${r.headLine}</a></h3> 
32						<span>${!""}</span> 
33					</div> 
34					<div class="lx-clear-fix"></div> 
35				</div> 
36        </#list> 
37    </div> 
39    <p> 
40        <a href="${groupPrependURL}/radiocor/" class="radiocor-read-more font-weight-bold">${languageUtil.get(locale,"radiocor-read-more")}</a> 
41    </p> 
Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> httpUtil.getParameter  [in template "51632#51678#52245" at line 6, column 38]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign debug = validator.isNotNull(h...  [in template "51632#51678#52245" at line 6, column 1]
1<#--Inclusione delle MACRO  --> 
2<#include "${templatesPath}/SELLA-MACRO" /> 
3<#include "${templatesPath}/ADAPTIVE-IMAGE-MACRO" /> 
5<#-- ##################################### DEBUG ################################### --> 
6<#assign debug = validator.isNotNull(httpUtil.getParameter(current_url,"sellaDebug",false)) /> 
7<#if debug > 
8    <div class="debug-content right"> 
9        TPL: REVIEW ADT 
10    </div> 
13<section class="review-adt-wrapper"> 
14    <div class="container"> 
15        <div class="review-adt-container"> 
17            <#if entries?has_content> 
19                <div class="review-adt-container-content"> 
21                    <#list entries as curEntry> 
23                        <#assign assetRenderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer() /> 
24                        <#assign classPK = curEntry.getClassPK() /> 
25                        <#assign review = adt_tool.getFreemarkerMap(classPK, locale) /> 
26                        <#assign journalArticle = curEntry.getAssetRenderer().getAssetObject() /> 
28                        <#assign customTitle = ""/> 
29                        <#if review.CustomTitle??> 
30                                <#assign customTitle = review.CustomTitle.value /> 
31                            </#if> 
33                        <@getEditIcon /> 
35                        <#if review.Cover??> 
36                            <#assign cover = review.Cover.value /> 
37                        </#if> 
38                        <#assign reviewTitle = curEntry.getTitle(locale) /> 
39                        <#assign abstract = curEntry.getSummary(locale) /> 
41                        <div class="row"> 
42                          <div class="review-adt-img col-sm-5 pr-md-0"> 
43                            <a data-senna-off="true" href="${getDisplayPageURL(classPK, groupId)}"> 
44                                <div class="mb-2"> 
45                                    <img class="w-100" src="${cover.url}" > 
46                                </div> 
47                            </a> 
48                          </div> 
49                          <div class="review-adt-text col-sm-7"> 
50                            <h3> 
51                              <a data-senna-off="true" href="${getDisplayPageURL(classPK,groupId)}"> 
52                                <#if customTitle?? && customTitle?has_content> 
53                                        ${customTitle} 
54                                    <#else> 
55                                        ${reviewTitle} 
56                                    </#if> 
57                              </a> 
58                            </h3> 
59                            <div class="review-adt-abstract">${abstract}</div> 
60                          </div> 
61                        </div> 
63                    </#list> 
65                </div> 
66            </#if> 
68        </div> 
69    </div> 
73<#macro getEditIcon> 
74    <#if assetRenderer.hasEditPermission(themeDisplay.getPermissionChecker())> 
75        <#assign redirectURL = renderResponse.createRenderURL() /> 
77        ${redirectURL.setParameter("mvcPath", "/add_asset_redirect.jsp")} 
78        ${redirectURL.setWindowState("pop_up")} 
80        <#assign editPortletURL = assetRenderer.getURLEdit(renderRequest, renderResponse, windowStateFactory.getWindowState("pop_up"), redirectURL)!"" /> 
82        <#if validator.isNotNull(editPortletURL)> 
83            <#assign title = languageUtil.format(locale, "edit-x", entryTitle, false) /> 
85            <@liferay_ui["icon"] 
86                cssClass="icon-monospaced visible-interaction" 
87                icon="pencil" 
88                markupView="lexicon" 
89                message=title 
90                url="javascript:Liferay.Util.openWindow({id:'" + renderResponse.getNamespace() + "editAsset', title: '" + title + "', uri:'" + htmlUtil.escapeURL(editPortletURL.toString()) + "'});" 
91            /> 
92        </#if> 
93    </#if> 

Indietro Next, Voci dal futuro | L’AI verso il 2025: innovazioni, investimenti e l’approccio Sella

Open Innovation

Next, Voices from the Future | AI towards 2025: innovations, investments, and Sella’s approach

New episode of Next – Voices from the Future: a journey into the world of innovation. In this new article, Andrea Tessera, Chief Innovation Officer at Sella, explores artificial intelligence, analyzing current scenarios and future prospects for this technology.
Next, Voci dal futuro | L’AI verso il 2025: innovazioni, investimenti e l’approccio Sella
Getty Images
Andrea Tessera

Chief Innovation Officer - Sella

We are experiencing one of the fastest technological evolutions ever seen, driven by advancements in the broad field of artificial intelligence. As previously discussed, various technologies are leading this new revolutionary wave, poised to create a more efficient and effective world. Artificial intelligence will continue to be a cornerstone of this transformation, both for its ability to radically reshape decision-making processes and for its influence on key sectors such as healthcare, finance, and businesses. This is because, as we know, AI can process massive amounts of data. Additionally, the growing adoption of AI agents will enable these systems to act autonomously in increasingly personalized ways.

In recent years, starting from 2021, VCs have invested heavily in AI. However, despite recorded peaks, the third quarter of 2024 saw a 20% decline in global investments compared to the previous quarter, with around $54.7 billion invested and a projected total of approximately $240 billion for 2024. This indicates a slowdown compared to record years, but the most notable data point is the growing proportion of investments directed towards AI: one in three dollars is allocated to this field, with forecasts suggesting it could rise to 50% in the near future.



VCs are highly attracted to artificial intelligence because startups in this field exhibit faster growth and the ability to achieve tangible results much more quickly than those in other tech areas. While startups in other sectors can take up to 13 years to reach an exit, AI startups take an average of just seven years. This acceleration makes AI particularly appealing to investors, offering a faster return on investment.

Currently, in the international economic landscape, the United States leads in terms of both number and amount of AI investments, representing 43% of global VC transactions in the sector. This dominant position strengthens U.S. role as the epicenter of AI innovation, attracting even more investment and talent. Conversely, in Europe, AI development follows a different path with a strong focus on regulation and ethics. The European Union is currently working on implementing a comprehensive regulatory framework for AI, aimed at protecting fundamental rights and privacy and preventing risks of misuse or discrimination. The Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) seeks to create a structure of rules to promote innovation in a safe and responsible context. This emphasis on regulation, while offering greater consumer protection and process transparency, also slows AI adoption compared to the U.S., where a more permissive and rapid regulatory approach prevails. However, by establishing a global standard for AI ethics and safety and promoting responsible innovation, Europe may attract companies and investors interested in operating within a more stable and regulated legal framework.

The Sella Approach to Artificial Intelligence
The Sella Group has defined a clear strategic framework for artificial intelligence, viewing it as a fundamental technology not only to enhance existing products but also to transform the organization radically. This approach requires a true shift in mindset: from solving problems or executing tasks to creating effective prompts that maximize AI support across various processes, thereby improving both the quality and efficiency of activities. This change has implications not only on operations but also in employee training: learning to collaborate with AI means acquiring specific skills, such as formulating clear instructions for AI tools, critically interpreting results, and continuously adapting operational strategies.

The Group AI Competence Center and Sella’s Innovation Area are collaborating along two main lines to fully leverage AI’s potential in the coming years. The first line focuses on customer experience, aiming to revolutionize interactions and create a unique point of reference for clients' financial needs. Through AI, Sella aims to offer personalized suggestions and continuous assistance, available 24/7, ensuring accessible and tailored financial support. The second line focuses on internal process optimization and data management. This strategic area aims to enhance corporate efficiency through digitalization and the automation of internal workflows. By using AI agents, Sella plans to create a data-driven environment in which AI supports employees in more complex decision-making tasks, reducing time and operational costs and improving analysis accuracy.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence increasingly represents a transformative lever for industries and companies that strategically and responsibly adopt it. While the U.S. and Europe take different paths toward innovation - one rapid and permissive, the other ethically regulated - it is clear that AI will continue to reshape the global economic landscape. For Sella, AI is much more than just technology; it is a strategic resource to enhance customer experience and optimize internal processes, helping build an efficient and forward-looking organization. Moving toward a future where AI will become the engine of a new banking model: more responsive, personalized, and centered on customer needs.


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