Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("news-vocabulary-id")  [in template "51632#51678#43587" at line 22, column 20]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: vocabularyId = themeDisplay.getThemeS...  [in template "51632#51678#43587" at line 22, column 5]
1<#--sella social macro --> 
2<#include "${templatesPath}/SOCIAL-SHARE-MACRO" /> 
4<#assign originalLocale = locale> 
5<#setting locale = 'en_US'> 
6<#assign date = .vars['reserved-article-display-date'].data/> 
7<#assign date = date?datetime("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z") /> 
8<#setting locale = originalLocale> 
9<#assign dateTimeFormat = languageUtil.get(locale, "HH:mm, dd MMM yyyy")> 
13    articleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data 
14    journalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") 
15    assetEntryService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService") 
16    ja = journalService.fetchLatestArticle(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), articleId, 0) 
17    ae = assetEntryService.fetchEntry("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", ja.getResourcePrimKey()) 
18    title = .vars['reserved-article-title'].data 
19    jaAbstract = .vars['reserved-article-description'].data 
20    absoluteURL = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() 
21    altBigDetailImage = "" 
22    vocabularyId = themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("news-vocabulary-id")?number 
23    category = sella_tool.getCategoryFromVocabularyId(ae.getCategories(), vocabularyId, locale) 
26<#if !vocabularyIdLive?? && !themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("news-vocabulary-id-live")?? > 
27    <#assign vocabularyIdLive = 52307 /> 
29    <#assign vocabularyIdLive = themeDisplay.getThemeSetting("news-vocabulary-id-live")?number /> 
32<#if category==""> 
33    <#assign category = sella_tool.getCategoryFromVocabularyId(ae.getCategories(), vocabularyIdLive , locale)  /> 
36<#-- ja title --> 
37<#if titleShown?? && titleShown.getData()?has_content> 
38    <#assign title = titleShown.getData() /> 
41<#if HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?? > 
42    <#assign socialImg = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + sella_tool.getAdaptiveMediaSrc("800-x-533-px",HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?number, /> 
44    <#assign socialImg = ""> 
47<@shareContent title="${title}" summary="${jaAbstract}" detailURL="${absoluteURL}" imageURL="${socialImg}"/> 
51<article class="article-detail article-detail--has-img"> 
52  <#-- Info + Social --> 
53  <div class="container"> 
54    <div class="row"> 
55      <div class="col-md-10 offset-md-1"> 
56        <div class="article-detail__intro"> 
57          <div class="row"> 
58            <div class="col-lg-8"> 
59              <#-- Categoria e data --> 
60              <div class="d-flex"> 
61                <#if category?? && category?has_content> 
62                  <div class="article-detail__category">${category}</div> 
63                </#if> 
64                <div class="article-detail__date">${date?string(dateTimeFormat)}</div> 
65              </div> 
66              <#-- Titolo --> 
67              <h1 class="article-detail__title">${title}</h1> 
68              <#-- Sottotitolo --> 
69              <#if jaAbstract?has_content> 
70                <h2 class="article-detail__subject">${jaAbstract}</h2> 
71              </#if> 
73            </div> 
74          </div> 
75          <div class="row"> 
76            <div class="col-12"> 
77              <div class="article-detail__button d-flex"> 
78                <#-- Share button --> 
79                <div class="sella-share clearfix"> 
80                  <div class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--share"> 
81                    <svg class="ico-svg"> 
82                      <use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#share-alt"></use> 
83                    </svg> 
84                  </div> 
85                  <div class="sella-share__text">Condividi</div> 
86                  <ul> 
87                    <li> 
88                      <a href="${absoluteURL}" title="Facebook" class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--fb"> 
89                        <svg class="ico-svg"> 
90                          <use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#facebook-f"></use> 
91                        </svg> 
92                      </a> 
93                    </li> 
94                    <li> 
95                      <a href="${absoluteURL}" title="Twitter" class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--twitter"> 
96                        <svg class="ico-svg"> 
97                          <use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#twitter"></use> 
98                        </svg> 
99                      </a> 
100                    </li> 
101                    <li> 
102						<#assign escapedTitle = htmlUtil.escape(htmlParserUtil.extractText(title)) /> 
103						<#assign escapedAbstract = htmlUtil.escape(htmlParserUtil.extractText(jaAbstract)) /> 
105                      	<a href=";url=${absoluteURL}&amp;title=${escapedTitle}&amp;summary=${escapedAbstract}&amp;source=" title="LinkedIn" class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--linkedin"> 
106                        	<svg class="ico-svg"> 
107                          		<use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#linkedin-in"></use> 
108                        	</svg> 
109                      	</a> 
110                    </li> 
111                     <li> 
112                      <a href="${urlCodec.encodeURL(absoluteURL)}" title="WahtsApp" class="sella-share__icon sella-share__icon--whatsapp"> 
113                        <svg class="ico-svg"> 
114                          <use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/assets/images/icons.svg#whatsapp"></use> 
115                        </svg> 
116                      </a> 
117                    </li> 
118                  </ul> 
119                </div> 
120              </div> 
121            </div> 
122          </div> 
123        </div> 
124      </div> 
125    </div> 
126  </div> 
129<#if HeroImage?? && HeroImage.getData() != ""> 
130    <#assign altBigDetailImage = HeroImage.getAttribute("alt") /> 
131    <#assign urlBigDetailImage = HeroImage.getData() /> 
133<#if urlBigDetailImage?? && urlBigDetailImage?has_content> 
134    <div class="sella-container sella-container--only-img"> 
135        <div class="container-fluid"> 
137        <#-- VIDEO --> 
138            <div class="row"> 
139                <div class="col-lg-10 offset-lg-1"> 
140                    <#if Video?? && Video?has_content > 
141                        <#if Video.getData()?? && Video.getData() != ""> 
142                            <#if Video.getData()?contains("vimeo")> 
143                                <#if HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?? > 
144                                    <#assign HeroImage800x533 = sella_tool.getAdaptiveMediaSrc("800-x-533-px",HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?number, /> 
145                                <#else> 
146                                    <#assign HeroImage800x533 = ""> 
147                                </#if> 
148                                <video width="100%" controls="" poster="${HeroImage800x533}"> 
149                                    <source src ="${Video.getData()}" type="video/mp4"> 
150                                </video> 
151                            <#else> 
152                                <iframe width="100%" height="350px" src="${Video.getData()}?controls=0" ></iframe> 
153                            </#if> 
154                        <#else> 
155                            <#if HeroImage?? && HeroImage?has_content > 
156                                <#if HeroImage.getData()?? && HeroImage.getData() != ""> 
157                                    <#if HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?? > 
158                                        <#assign HeroImage800x533 = sella_tool.getAdaptiveMediaSrc("800-x-533-px",HeroImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?number, /> 
159                                        <figure class="article-detail__fig"> 
160                                        <img class="article-detail__img w-100" src="${HeroImage800x533}" alt="${HeroImage.getAttribute("alt")}"> 
161                                            <#if ImageOwner.getData()?? && ImageOwner.getData()!="" && HeroImage.getAttribute("alt") != "" > 
162                                                <figcaption class="article-detail__figcaption">${HeroImage.getAttribute("alt")} - <strong>${ImageOwner.getData()}</strong></figcaption> 
163                                            <#else> 
164                                                <figcaption class="article-detail__figcaption">${HeroImage.getAttribute("alt")} - <strong>${ImageOwner.getData()}</strong></figcaption> 
165                                            </#if> 
166                                        </figure> 
167                                    </#if> 
168                                </#if> 
169                            </#if> 
170                        </#if> 
171                    </#if> 
172                </div> 
173            </div> 
174        </div> 
175    </div> 
178<#-- testo --> 
179<#if Body?? && Body.getData()?has_content> 
180    <div class="container"> 
181        <div class="row"> 
182            <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-xl-6 offset-xl-3"> 
183                <div class="article-detail__text"> 
184                    ${Body.getData()} 
185                </div> 
186            </div> 
187        </div> 
188    </div> 
191<div class="article-detail__slider"> 
192    <div class="container"> 
193        <div class="row"> 
194            <div class="col-12"> 
195                <div class="slider slider-detail"> 
196                    <#if GalleryImage?has_content && GalleryImage??> 
197                        <#if GalleryImage.getData()?? && GalleryImage.getData() != ""  > 
198                            <#list GalleryImage.getSiblings() as curImage> 
199                                <#if curImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?? > 
200                                    <#assign curGalleryImage800x533 = sella_tool.getAdaptiveMediaSrc("800-x-533-px",curImage.getAttribute("fileEntryId")?number, /> 
201                                    <div> 
202                                            <div class="article-detail__gallery"> 
203                                            <a href="${curGalleryImage800x533}" title="${curImage.getAttribute("alt")}"> 
204                                                <img src="${curGalleryImage800x533}" alt="${curImage.getAttribute("alt")}" class="w-100"> 
205                                            </a> 
206                                            <#if curImage.GalleryImageOwner.getData()?? && curImage.GalleryImageOwner.getData()!="" && curImage.getAttribute("alt") != ""  > 
207                                                <div class="article-detail__gallery-caption">${curImage.getAttribute("alt")} - <strong>${curImage.GalleryImageOwner.getData()}</strong></div> 
208                                            </#if> 
209                                        </div> 
210                                    </div> 
211                                </#if> 
212                            </#list> 
213                        </#if> 
214                    </#if> 
215                </div> 
216            </div> 
217        </div> 
218    </div> 
Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
No compatible overloaded variation was found; wrong number of arguments.
The FTL type of the argument values were: extended_hash+string (com.liferay.portal.model.impl.LayoutSetImpl wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel), extended_hash+string (com.liferay.portal.kernel.theme.ThemeDisplay wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel).
The matching overload was searched among these members:
    com.liferay.portal.util.PortalImpl.getGroupFriendlyURL(com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.LayoutSet, com.liferay.portal.kernel.theme.ThemeDisplay, boolean, boolean),
    com.liferay.portal.util.PortalImpl.getGroupFriendlyURL(com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.LayoutSet, com.liferay.portal.kernel.theme.ThemeDisplay, Locale)

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign groupPrependURL = portalUtil...  [in template "51632#51678#66308" at line 12, column 1]
1<#assign articleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data /> 
2<#assign articleGroupId = .vars['articleGroupId'] /> 
4<#assign journalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") /> 
5<#assign groupService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService") /> 
6<#assign layoutSetService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutSetLocalService") /> 
8<#assign journalArticle = journalService.getLatestArticle(articleGroupId?number,articleId?string,0) /> 
9<#assign urlTitle = journalArticle.getUrlTitle() /> 
10<#assign group = groupService.getGroup(groupId?number) /> 
11<#assign groupFriendlyURL = group.getFriendlyURL() /> 
12<#assign groupPrependURL =  portalUtil.getGroupFriendlyURL(layoutSetService.getLayoutSet(groupId?number, false), themeDisplay) /> 
14<#assign maxSize = 4 /> 
15<#assign radiocorIndex = radiocor_news_tool.getNewsIndex(-1) /> 
16<#assign dateTimeFormat = languageUtil.get(locale, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")> 
18<section class="radiocor-ultime-wrapper"> 
19    <#-- 
20    <h2 class="sella-underlined-title ml-0 mr-0"> 
21        <span>Ultim'ora</span> 
22    </h2> 
23     --> 
24    <div class="radiocor-ultime-content"> 
25		<#--As of avoiding index-out-of-bounds error, in FreeMarker 2.3.21 you can issue listVar[0..*4], 
26		which will slice out 4 items, or less if there's less available.    --> 
28        <#list radiocorIndex[0..*maxSize] as r> 
29				<div class="lx-latest-news-item"> 
30					<div class="lx-latest-news-item-text"> 
31						<h3><a href="${groupPrependURL}/radiocor/notizia/?nid=${}">${r.headLine}</a></h3> 
32						<span>${!""}</span> 
33					</div> 
34					<div class="lx-clear-fix"></div> 
35				</div> 
36        </#list> 
37    </div> 
39    <p> 
40        <a href="${groupPrependURL}/radiocor/" class="radiocor-read-more font-weight-bold">${languageUtil.get(locale,"radiocor-read-more")}</a> 
41    </p> 
Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> httpUtil.getParameter  [in template "51632#51678#52245" at line 6, column 38]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign debug = validator.isNotNull(h...  [in template "51632#51678#52245" at line 6, column 1]
1<#--Inclusione delle MACRO  --> 
2<#include "${templatesPath}/SELLA-MACRO" /> 
3<#include "${templatesPath}/ADAPTIVE-IMAGE-MACRO" /> 
5<#-- ##################################### DEBUG ################################### --> 
6<#assign debug = validator.isNotNull(httpUtil.getParameter(current_url,"sellaDebug",false)) /> 
7<#if debug > 
8    <div class="debug-content right"> 
9        TPL: REVIEW ADT 
10    </div> 
13<section class="review-adt-wrapper"> 
14    <div class="container"> 
15        <div class="review-adt-container"> 
17            <#if entries?has_content> 
19                <div class="review-adt-container-content"> 
21                    <#list entries as curEntry> 
23                        <#assign assetRenderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer() /> 
24                        <#assign classPK = curEntry.getClassPK() /> 
25                        <#assign review = adt_tool.getFreemarkerMap(classPK, locale) /> 
26                        <#assign journalArticle = curEntry.getAssetRenderer().getAssetObject() /> 
28                        <#assign customTitle = ""/> 
29                        <#if review.CustomTitle??> 
30                                <#assign customTitle = review.CustomTitle.value /> 
31                            </#if> 
33                        <@getEditIcon /> 
35                        <#if review.Cover??> 
36                            <#assign cover = review.Cover.value /> 
37                        </#if> 
38                        <#assign reviewTitle = curEntry.getTitle(locale) /> 
39                        <#assign abstract = curEntry.getSummary(locale) /> 
41                        <div class="row"> 
42                          <div class="review-adt-img col-sm-5 pr-md-0"> 
43                            <a data-senna-off="true" href="${getDisplayPageURL(classPK, groupId)}"> 
44                                <div class="mb-2"> 
45                                    <img class="w-100" src="${cover.url}" > 
46                                </div> 
47                            </a> 
48                          </div> 
49                          <div class="review-adt-text col-sm-7"> 
50                            <h3> 
51                              <a data-senna-off="true" href="${getDisplayPageURL(classPK,groupId)}"> 
52                                <#if customTitle?? && customTitle?has_content> 
53                                        ${customTitle} 
54                                    <#else> 
55                                        ${reviewTitle} 
56                                    </#if> 
57                              </a> 
58                            </h3> 
59                            <div class="review-adt-abstract">${abstract}</div> 
60                          </div> 
61                        </div> 
63                    </#list> 
65                </div> 
66            </#if> 
68        </div> 
69    </div> 
73<#macro getEditIcon> 
74    <#if assetRenderer.hasEditPermission(themeDisplay.getPermissionChecker())> 
75        <#assign redirectURL = renderResponse.createRenderURL() /> 
77        ${redirectURL.setParameter("mvcPath", "/add_asset_redirect.jsp")} 
78        ${redirectURL.setWindowState("pop_up")} 
80        <#assign editPortletURL = assetRenderer.getURLEdit(renderRequest, renderResponse, windowStateFactory.getWindowState("pop_up"), redirectURL)!"" /> 
82        <#if validator.isNotNull(editPortletURL)> 
83            <#assign title = languageUtil.format(locale, "edit-x", entryTitle, false) /> 
85            <@liferay_ui["icon"] 
86                cssClass="icon-monospaced visible-interaction" 
87                icon="pencil" 
88                markupView="lexicon" 
89                message=title 
90                url="javascript:Liferay.Util.openWindow({id:'" + renderResponse.getNamespace() + "editAsset', title: '" + title + "', uri:'" + htmlUtil.escapeURL(editPortletURL.toString()) + "'});" 
91            /> 
92        </#if> 
93    </#if> 

Indietro Al via nuovo club deal per investire nelle Pmi italiane

Finanza & Investimenti

Al via nuovo club deal per investire nelle Pmi italiane

Sella promuove il programma FIER (Futuri Investimenti in Economia Reale) per offrire nuove opportunità di investimento nelle piccole e medie imprese con un elevato potenziale di crescita nei settori industriali, ICT, Business services e consumer
Al via nuovo club deal per investire nelle Pmi italiane
Un operaio impegnato nella lavorazione del ferro in una Pmi italiana (Photo by: Giovanni Mereghetti/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Un programma di investimento in Piccole e Medie imprese italiane promosso dal gruppo Sella, attraverso la sua divisione di Investment Banking, e sviluppato in collaborazione con un management team di rilevante esperienza nel Private Equity. È il club deal FIER (Futuri Investimenti in Economia Reale) realizzato per generare nuove opportunità di investimento nel capitale di Pmi del nostro Paese.

Il programma di investimento si sviluppa attraverso la creazione di società veicolo, ciascuna dedicata ad una singola opportunità di investimento in imprese italiane da proporre singolarmente ai potenziali investitori. Il gruppo Sella, che partecipa ad ogni investimento fino a circa il 20% dell’importo stabilito, ha individuato un team di professionisti con un track-record di successo nel Private Equity e nell’Investment Banking.

La strategia di investimento di FIER è incentrata su quattro macrosettori: produzione industriale, ICT, Business services e consumer. Obiettivo dei singoli investimenti del programma sono le PMI italiane con un fatturato annuo di almeno 15 milioni di euro, un ebitda positivo e un eccellente potenziale di crescita. Il ticket di investimento medio previsto è di almeno 15 milioni di euro per deal, con una durata tra i 4 e i 6 anni. Il programma prevede un impegno complessivo pari a circa 60 milioni di euro, distribuito su 2/4 operazioni, di cui circa 12 milioni erogati da Sella in qualità di Anchor Investor.

Il club deal di Sella si caratterizza per la sua flessibilità: gli investitori possono personalizzare il proprio portafoglio e i meccanismi di adesione, ed accedere ad opportunità esclusive con un orizzonte di medio periodo. FIER entrerà nel capitale delle imprese individuate in una logica di piena continuità imprenditoriale e parteciperà attivamente alla definizione della strategia di crescita organica e per linee esterne, supportando l’individuazione di nuovi clienti e partner, sia in Italia che all’estero. Nell’ambito del processo di selezione delle imprese target, FIER potrà estendere l’opportunità di investimento anche ad altri club deal selezionati e qualificati con il medesimo approccio strategico.

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