The Lanificio Maurizio Sella becomes a vaccination hub for the Biella area

"Since the beginning of the Covid emergency, our priority has been to protect the health of customers and employees, continuing to guarantee the full operation of banking, financial and technological services and support for the economy. Doing our part in the vaccination campaign is part of this commitment and care. The rapid spread of vaccines is the key to save lives, avoid pressure on health structures, and allow the full resumption of social and economic activities in the area by seizing the positive teachings that this dramatic experience is giving us. That is why we are particularly proud of having fostered the launch of a new important vaccination hub for our territory ".
With the above words, Attilio Viola, Joint General Manager of the Sella group, inaugurated the new COVID vaccination centre with the Mayor and the Management of the Local Health Authority of Biella. On Tuesday 1 June, the activity will begin in the spaces made available at the old Maurizio Sella Wool Mill and set up by the Sella group to promote the vaccination campaign.
The vaccination hub set up in the historic woollen mill where the Sella group has its Sellalab innovation centre has a potential activity of 400 injections per day, depending on the needs and progress of the campaign.
The centre has a parking zone, acceptance and waiting areas and 8 slots, of which 4 for carrying out the medical history and clinical evaluation of users by the doctors before vaccination takes place, and 4 to carry out injections by the nursing groups of the Biella Local Health Authority.
Finally, the Sella group makes available to citizens reaching the Lanificio for the vaccine the opportunity to visit free of charge, during opening hours and in compliance with safety rules, the exhibition: ¿Lana: the transformations of an industry and the Italian Wool Association¿, curated by the Sella Foundation and located at the Exhibition Hall of the same woollen