Education, inclusion and quality of life: attention to people is a resource for the company

Education, work-life balance, corporate welfare, inclusion and performance management: in the current context of powerful acceleration, digital transformation and innovation, also resulting from the emergency connected to the pandemic, all these become essential areas of good management and development of people in the company. The attention to people, to "Human Resources" is one of the chapters of our recently published Non-financial Statement.
The value generated by the Sella Group and the results achieved in such a particular year is due to the work of a team that, in December 2020, reached 5.248 members, including employees and collaborators: the Sella Team. Of these, there are 4,854 employees with an increase of 207 units compared to 2019. The 2021-2023 Business Plan provides for continual growth and further HR investments.
It is a young group whose average employee age is around 43. The Group considers diversity a winning factor, as demonstrated by both the substantial balance between female and male workers and the cultural exchanges among colleagues working in Italy, India, Romania, England, Spain, United Arab Emirates and Switzerland.
Concerning Education, the Group has structured a plan to prepare and start significant staff development paths paving the way for working in an agile and open manner in such a rapidly changing context. The individual development of people pursues the enhancement of personal talents so that everyone can fully contribute, to the best of their ability, in achieving targets. Overall in 2020, the Group provided more than 191.000 hours of training.
The attention placed by the Group on the work-life balance is significant, and the projects, aimed at improving it, affect the most varied areas. One of the most impressive projects completed in 2020 was the "Banca del Tempo" (literally: the "Time Bank"). The project involved a solidarity initiative through which people could donate their vacation days to colleagues in need who made a special request for them.
The smart working activated in the Group well before the onset of the pandemic and the possibility of working in co-Working spaces in several Italian cities allowed to optimize business trips with a benefit both for the quality of life and the environment, thanks to the emissions saved.
In continuity with previous years, the company welfare system was further enriched and promoted to support the corporate well-being of people, thus maintaining a high level of motivation and engagement.
The involvement of people, which is possible through several initiatives, multiple channels and internal communication tools, is a discriminating factor to achieve business goals. These tools have further evolved and adapted to ensure maximum involvement even during the pandemic, for example: through streaming events, podcasts, videos and the increase in the use of the company social network, which in 2020 recorded about nine million interactions.
Finally, the Performance Management System, which has been evolving in recent years, is an outstanding opportunity for joint reflections between managers and employees, making it possible to provide feedback on the results achieved and on the behaviours expressed, with a view to constant improvement.